This method should be used during the configuration of the backup.

  1. In step3, under Backup Settings, click on Setup Hybrid+.
  2. Select the Enable Hybrid+ option.
  3. Browse for the location you would like to keep your hybrid backup in.
    It is recommended to save the backup on External drive or Network location).
  4. Select the Limit Hybrid+ Size option if you wish to limit the size of the hybrid backup. (Optional)how-can-i-enable-c-cloud-hybrid-method-1-backup-settings-home

This method should be used after configuring the backup.

  1. Right click C-Cloud agent in the system tray and select Open Dashboard.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Hybrid+.
  4. Select the Enable Hybrid+ option.
  5. Browse for the location you would like to keep your hybrid backup in.
    It is recommended to save the backup on External drive or Network location.
  6. Select the Limit Hybrid+ Size option if you wish to limit the size of the hybrid backup.(Optional)
  7. If you wish to filter the data to be backed up to the Hybrid+ drive, click the Open Filters button and add the filters you need. (Optional)
  8. If you want to copy the already backed up files to your Hybrid+ drive, click the Run Now button of the Re-copy previously backed up files to Hybrid+

This method should be used with policies.

  1. Sign in to your C-Cloud online account.
  2. Refer to the Policies tab.
  3. Create a new policy, or select to edit an existing one.
  4. Refer tohow-can-i-edit-certain-policy the Hybrid+ tab.
  5. Browse for the location you would like to keep the hybrid backup in.
  6. Select the Limit Hybrid+ Size option if you wish to limit the size of the hybrid backup.(Optional)
  7. If you wish to filter the data to be backed up to the Hybrid+ drive, click the Add Filters button and add the filters you need. (Optional)how-can-i-enable-c-cloud-hybrid-method-3-enable-hybrid-from-policy

Policies is only available for C-Cloud Business users.