The used space that you can see on C-Cloud dashboard in the client on your machine or your C-Cloud online account is for all the machines and the users that you have under your account and not only for your machine\user, so to free up space, please refer to the following:
- Delete unwanted files from the backup.
- Sign in to your C-Cloud online account and select the files/folders you want to delete, and click on the Delete icon.
- Sign in to your C-Cloud online account and select the files/folders you want to delete, and click on the Delete icon.
- Remove deleted items from the backup: If you have deleted files from your machine, they will not be deleted from your C-Cloud online account, unless you specify otherwise (Using the Retention option). You can delete these files from you C-Cloud online account.
To view these deleted files, go to My Computers tab in your C-Cloud online account → From More menu, select Show Deleted. - Delete the file’s versions that you don’t want.
- Delete the archived machine: If you have previously archived any of your machines and you don’t need its backup any more, then go ahead and delete this machine from your account.
- Delete unwanted machines from the backup.