First of all, check if this option is enabled:

  • From C-Cloud website:
  1. Go to the Polices tab.
  2. Select the policy that is assigned to you.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Refer to the Settings tab.
  5. Enable C-Cloud Markers.
  • From your computer:
  1. Right click C-Cloud agent in the system tray and select Open dashboard.
  2. Refer to Settings and then select Advanced settings.
  3. Make sure that the option Show backup markers on backed up files is selected.
  • If you use more than one program that uses icon overlays, Windows will disable some of the overlays, so try disabling the overlays of the other programs.
  • C-Cloud folder markers will not appear on Windows 7 Library folders “Pictures, Music…” due to the fact that Windows design prohibits giving third party overlays on these folders. You will find the icons working properly on the folders and files inside it.